Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally. 当一个专利权人利用专利去非法的完成某些事时,专利滥用就发生了。
The main drugs are under patent, meaning that unless alternative arrangements are made, only the patent holder can produce them. 目前的主力药物都是专利药,这意味着除非能达成协议,否则只有专利持有者才能生产这些药物。
Kaptur's bill would require farmers who want to save seed to report the amount to be replanted and to pay to USDA a fee established not by the patent holder but by the department. 凯普特提出的法案规定,希望保留豆种的农民应上报种植数量并向农业部支付由农业部而不是专利所有人确定的费用。
As one of the rights technology development comes to an end, the right to apply for patent is also the protection of right of the holder of technology. 申请专利的权利是技术开发完成后,作为其成果的发明创造产生的权利之一,也是保护技术权利人就其发明创造获得专利的保证。
A third way is to establish that the patent holder has misused the patent. 第三种方式是证实专利权人滥用专利。
Some scientists working with embryonic stem cells say their work has been encumbered by the requirement to get a license from the patent holder, the University of Wisconsin. 一些运用胚胎干细胞研究的科学们称他们的工作需要获得专利持有者的许可。
In fact, not only the rights of patent holder should be protected, for the infringer in the lawsuit of patent tort, its rights of demurring should also be protected. 实际上,不仅专利权人的权利应得到保护,对于专利侵权指控中的侵权人来说,其抗辩的权利也应受到保护。
The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws. 最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。
The owner of the patent right and the holder of the patent right are referred to as "patentee". 专利权的所有人和持有人统称专利权人。
Under normal circumstances, the remuneration that the licensee pays to the patent holder must be commensurate with the economic value of the authorisation in ordinary trade. 在通常情况下,被许可人支付给专利权人的报酬应当与正常贸易下许可的经济价值相当。
Dahe is the China patent holder of Ball Joint Handrailing and the drafting company of the Chinese Industry Standard. 大和是球接栏杆中国专利持有人,是中国行业标准的起草人。
In the case of public non-commercial use, where the government or contractor, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall be informed promptly; 在公共非商业性使用的情况下,如政府或合同方未作专利检索即知道或有显而易见的理由知道一有效专利正在或将要被政府使用或为政府而使用,则应迅速告知权利持有人;
More importantly, as an independent patent holder rather than a mere technology provider, our brand name now means something in the world market. 更重要的是,作为一个独立的专利持有者,而不仅仅是技术的提供者,我们的品牌现在在全球市场上意味着很了不起。
In urgent cases, the section in question allows the Minister to refrain from investigating whether the patent holder is willing to issue a licence voluntarily. 在紧急情况下,该款允许部长不用考虑专利权人是否愿意给予自愿许可。
We worked with Itracks, a world-leading expert in online market research and the patent holder for online qualitative applications, to host and administer the survey. 我们和在线市场研究的世界级领先专家、在线定性应用的专利持有者Itracks公司一起主办了本次问卷调查。
When a company acquires a patent by purchase from the inventor or other holder, the purchase price should be recorded by debiting the intangible asset account, Patents. 当一家公司通过向发明者或其他持有者购买而获得专利权时,购买价格应记到专利权这个无形资产账户。
The compulsory license system for patented medicine originates from one of principles of Intellectual Property Law that is balance of interests. The purpose of the system is to resolve public health problem by limiting right of patent holder. 药品专利强制许可制度产生于知识产权制度下的利益平衡原则,该制度的设立是为了解决公共健康问题而对专利权进行的一种最大的限制。
In order to protect the patent holder's benefits, courts have made some judges admitting patent contributory infringement, and the practice has already been in the lead of the patent law in China. 为了保护专利权人利益,我国司法实践中已经出现了一些被认定为专利间接侵权的案件,实践已经领先于法律。
As a means of balancing the benefit between the public and the patent holder, patent annual fee is one of the necessary parts to keep patent effective, rather than a legal obligation. 专利年费作为一种以平衡公共利益和专利权人利益的立法技术手段,是维持专利权效力的要件之一,而不是法定义务。
Patent licensing, virtually is a contract with which a patent holder transfers the use of his patent to the licensees. 专利许可,其实质是专利权人将其拥有的专利使用权有偿地转移给被许可者的一种契约。
Patent system is set up to encourage invention, create incentives to creation and protect the legitimate rights and interests right holder, and based on these functions to promote the development of science and technology through disclosing the technology information. 专利制度的设置目的是鼓励发明,激励创造,保护权益人的合法权益,并在此基础上通过公开技术方案,促进科学技术的发展。
This monopoly as compensation and incentives for patent holder s creative labor is necessary and legal. 这种垄断作为对专利权人创造性劳动的补偿和激励,是必要的也是合法的。